are aliens real?

Are aliens real? Do they exist?

Are aliens real? Yes, or No, let us discuss if aliens exist or not?

Aliens always remain a topic of interest for most of the people, even people who do not have an interest in space science are fascinated by the word alien because of the movies, TV series, and conspiracies on this topic, even after reading about different stories and watching movies and UFOs still, we have a question in our mind that are aliens real?

If yes, where are they and how can we find them or why we cannot find them?

In this topic, I have taken a very different approach about the aliens that will make you believe that aliens do exist in this universe but this is not any kind of proof of aliens however a convincing theory about the existence of aliens.

We all know that there are billions of stars in our milky way galaxy and those stars would have billions of solar systems like ours so don’t you think there is a huge amount of possibility that our galaxy is full of aliens, to support this point you can search about the formation of the solar system, our solar system is formed from the dead star and we are the part of stardust.

Even if this is not looking convincing to you then you can take a look at the below image.

Do alien exist?

This image is taken from the Hubble telescope, when you will zoom this image then you will see different galaxies of our universe.

Our universe has billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets. Now, if you think that only our earth has life then it looks very illogical. Our earth has no value when you look upon the universe, it is only valuable to us because we are nourishing on this planet that is why we call it mother earth.

There are more stars in our galaxy than sand particles in the Sahara desert and earth is one of the sand particles among all the other sand particles in the Sahara desert so do you still think that only earth has life.

Sometimes scientists come up with the theories like there was life on mars and some other planets of our solar system so you can imagine that there is a whole galaxy there to search for the evidence and some scientists believe that even earth got life from the other sources in the space which were transferred by meteorites.

Now the question is if aliens are real then why we can’t find them? There are some points below to explain why we cannot find them?

Space is so huge that its distance is measured by light year which means that the distance light travels in one year so this is the distance we can travel if we will move at the speed of light. Now, if there is a planet that is 50 light-years away and there is evidence of life on this planet also we need to send some drone or spacecraft then there is no way that we can travel or any spacecraft can travel that far.

The maximum speed achieved by humans is 8000 km per hour and the speed of light is 300 thousand km per sec so if we will travel with our current technology then it will take ages even to travel one light-year, which ends our hope for the search mission.

There is a possibility that only non intelligent life forms exist on nearby planets hence they are unable to pick radio signals sent by the earth. As we know that humans have also learned science and technology in the last 5000 years before that intelligent life existed but they were far behind in science.

We can maximize the possibility of finding the aliens by creating a portal that can transfer us from one place to another in space so that we do not have to travel at high speed.

wormhole portal
Are aliens real? Yes, just we do not have evidence of their existence yet.

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