Are humans animals, mammals, or primates? Let us discuss

If we are animals then why do we call ourselves humans? We have defined the word animal to describe all other species on earth except plants however; we call ourselves humans, not animals.


The word ‘animal’ can be used for any creature that breathes, moves, or uses senses so why don’t we use this word for ourselves?

The answer to that question is that we humans think of ourselves as different or superior to animals and that is why we use the word animals for other species and humans for ourselves.

We don’t have to dive deep to figure out what we are. Following are some of the similarities we share with other animals

Body parts and mechanism

We share the same body structure as animals like eating to gain energy essential for life and our body works the same way as most other animals like breathing oxygen, growing older, reproducing the same way, etc. Some of the common body parts are the heart, lungs, brain, legs, head, eyes, mouth, etc.


The brain of animals and humans works in the same way as we share common emotions like feeling sad, happy, excited, stressed, jealous, etc. Although some of these emotions are hard to recognize in certain animal species but in some species like dolphins, monkey emotions can be recognized easily.

Common foods and diseases

There are many diseases that we share with animals like flu, bacterial infections, ring worms, etc and we eat lots of different things that animals also consume like different types of meat, vegetables, and fruits.

Now, it should be clear that humans are also animals but what type? Are humans mammals?

Mammals give birth to their babies and females have a mammary gland that produces milk to feed the newborn. This is the same way humans give birth and feed their babies so we are considered mammals.

Are humans primates?

According to the evolution theory, all species evolve with time and that is how different species are created from one species. In today’s world, we have more convincing data that support the evolution theory.

Our closest relative in today’s world is chimpanzees because we share about 98 to 99 percent of our DNA with them. This is the reason why there are so many similarities between humans and chimpanzees.

Chimpanzees can use their hands effectively for different purposes and they can be trained to use tools. Also, they are the most intelligent species after humans on earth. It is speculated that chimps and humans would have shared a common ancestor long back but somehow we evolved differently which made us different species.

We are believed to be evolved from Home sapiens however some scientists believe that humans contain the DNA of both Neanderthal and Homo sapiens, this means that both these species mated with each other.

You can see the image below of Neanderthals; they look very similar to humans.

The following image is showing both Neanderthal and Homo sapiens and where they settled on earth in different time frames.

Are humans the most advanced animals?

The answer to this question is overall yes but animals also have some extraordinary capabilities which humans are lacking.

The only major difference between humans and animals is brain power, the human brain is the most advance of all species present on earth, which makes us the most intelligent animal however animals also have some extraordinary capabilities which make them advance in that particular area.

Human evolution increased the brain capabilities of humans and this provides an edge to humans over other species. Due to brain capabilities, humans are dominating the world.

Humans have created an environment suitable for their habitat and medical treatment helped humans to live longer.

Humans have created different sources of their food which helped them to nourish and flourish.

However, animals evolution also helped them to attain some superpowers that are lacking in humans.


Some animals like octopuses and snakes have this capability which helps them in hunting and hiding from predators.


Animals like bears, tortoises, etc have the ability to hibernate themselves and they can stay in this state for a long time.

Regrow body parts

Animals like axolotl, lizards, etc can regrow the broken parts, so many times when these creatures lose their body parts like limbs or tails then they regenerate their missing body part.

Reverse age

Jellyfishes are the only animal that can reverse their age or go back to their previous state so Jellyfish is biologically immortal. Whenever they are injured or have any issue with their body then this fish can reverse back their age and go back even to the baby age.

There is a never-ending list of animals that are evolved to acquire advanced capabilities.